
An exhibition on the port history of Ravenna, Rijeka and Solin

Launch of MYPORTHERITAGE, a platform developed within the TEMPUS project

From 31 December 2020 it is possible to virtually visit the exhibition MYPORTHERITAGE dedicated to the history of the port cities of Ravenna, Rijeka and Solin.

The exhibition has been created as part of the European project TEMPUS, co-financed by the INTERREG V-A 2014-2020 Italy - Croatia Programme, to tell more closely how the development of the three ports has radically influenced the commercial, productive and social context of the cities. The entire virtual tour is based on the key concept of flows. Flows of goods, materials, technologies, people and cultures.


Visit the exhibition >> http://myportheritage.eu/


TEMPUS and temporary uses: reviving disused spaces and transforming them into engines for the activation of new cultural, economic and social values


At the heart of the TEMPUS project (TEMPorary USes as start-up actions to enhance port (in)tangible heritage), we find the experimentation of a methodology based on the co-creation of long-term urban strategies, the valorisation of the territory and the active involvement of local communities. The three cities of the consortium - Ravenna, Solin and Rijeka - will serve as areas for the experimentation of temporary uses.


Temporary use refers to the space and time of places in the city: through this tool it is possible to intervene on a building and/or its pertinent areas by making agreements with the owner to promote a spatial requalification through light and targeted interventions for the insertion of specific activities, with a limited duration in time. The aim is to activate the birth of new entrepreneurial activities.


The virtual exhibition MYPORTHERITAGE aims to be a source of inspiration for cultural and creative entrepreneurs, to stimulate and encourage their participation in realising their visions for the development of port areas, thus connecting the past and the future of these cities.

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