
The collective approach to energy efficiency: the experience of GEAR@SME

Join the free webinar organized by the project on Nov. 18

The European project GEAR@SME - of which Certimac is an Italian partner together with ENEA and CNA Ravenna - is organizing a series of online webinars on energy efficiency issues.


The first event, "Supporting SMEs in a collective to save energy - Experiences from GEAR@SME," will be held on Friday, November 18 from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m.


The GEAR@SME project, which began in September 2020, starts from the assumption that the SME sector has enormous potential to reduce energy consumption. So far, this potential has only been partially tapped due to a lack of time, capital and specific expertise.


To bridge this gap, the consortium has developed an innovative approach to energy efficiency based on 3 key concepts: The introduction of the figure of the Trusted Partner who can train companies on energy efficiency issues and impartially support them in choosing technologies and suppliers; the Collective Approach which involves the creation of a network of companies that can share experience, expertise up to and including collective energy efficiency projects; and the introduction of the Multiple Benefits of Energy Efficiency, an approach that aims to value not only the energy savings resulting from an efficiency measure but also the positive spillovers on other business aspects.


The webinar will be an opportunity to present the project's methodological approach and its implementation in four European countries: Romania, the Netherlands, Germany, and Italy. The partners in charge of the 4 pilot cases will talk about their experience, the difficulties encountered and future perspectives: a valuable sharing for all stakeholders working with SMEs, the most affected by the energy price hikes in recent times.


To participate in the webinar in English, please register for free below.

Join the webinar

"Supporting SMEs in a collective to save energy - Experiences from GEAR@SME," will be held on Friday, November 18 from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m.


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