Energy Audit

Certimac offers the Energy Audit service, the essential analysis to know and optimize energy consumption in the public and private sectors.

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What is the Energy Audit and what is it for?
The energy audit is a systematic and documented procedure that aims to identify energy flows and improvements - both in terms of plant and envelope insulation - to reduce energy consumption of a building, a production site or a part of it.

The energy audit activities apply to different contexts: energy audit of industrial activity or service activities, energy audit of public buildings, energy audit of residential buildings (condominiums, single-family, multifunctional buildings, ....).
In all cases the goal is the same: to understand how energy is used and identify opportunities to reduce energy consumption and carbon footprint of the building or company.

The energy audit classifies the simulated interventions according to an order of priority following a cost/benefit assessment approach and guides to the choice of the most economically advantageous interventions.

The benefits are manifold: in buildings, the energy audit is the first step towards energy efficiency that will lead to an increase in the value of the efficient structure, considerable savings in terms of energy consumption and improved living comfort for people.

In the interventions on the production processes it is possible to gain in terms of efficiency in the energy consumption and it is possible to intervene on the KPI to optimize the production process with the consequent increase of profitability and marginality for the company.
Ask our expert
Eng. Massimo Bottacini
Certified energy management expert

To whom it is addressed

The Energy audit according to the most recent and strict regulations, for example the Legislative Decree n. 102/2014 and the UNI CEI EN 16247 standards, represents the first step of an Energy Efficiency Path (EEP) that involves different subjects.
    Legislative Decree 102/2014 in implementation of European Directive 2021/27/EU on energy efficiency identifies as subjects for which the energy audit is mandatory:
  • large companies, i.e. companies with more than 250 employees and turnover of more than 50 million euros or with an annual balance sheet total of more than 43 million euros;
  • companies with high energy consumption (the so-called energy-intensive companies), registered in the annual list established at the Italian Cassa per i Servizi Energetici e Ambientali (CSEA).
  • In these cases, the energy audit allows the company to be oriented and made aware of the most efficient practices and certified guidelines for proper energy management.
    These entities are required to perform the energy analysis every 4 years, beginning December 5, 2015.
    Only energy audits from certified subjects are allowed for this type of entity: ESCo certified according to UNI CEI 11352, Energy Auditors and EGE certified in accordance with UNI CEI 11339.
    Legislative Decree 115/2008 provides for the obligation of energy diagnoses for public buildings or buildings for public use in the case of:
  • renovations of thermal systems, including the replacement of generators
  • building renovations involving at least 15% of the external surface of the building envelope that encloses the heated gross volume
  • The Minimum Environmental Criteria Decree (CAM) requires that it is mandatory to draw up the energy audit (in addition to the EPC where required) for renovation projects of public buildings with useful surface equal to or greater than 2500 square meters when:
  • they are the subject of major renovation of the first level: interventions involving more than 50% of the external dispersing surface and the possible remaking of thermo-technical systems
  • they are the subject of major renovation of the second level: interventions involving from 25% to 50% of the external dispersion surface and the possible renovation of thermo-technical systems.
  • The energy diagnoses for public buildings can be prepared by a qualified professional, then simply enrolled in a professional register. An exception is made for the diagnoses required by the CAM Decree, which must be drawn up by a certified subject: ESCo, EGE certified in accordance with UNI CEI 11339.
    The Minimum Requirements Decree (DM 26/06/2015), implementing Law 90/2013, provides for the obligation of energy audit in the case of renovation or new installation of thermal systems with a nominal heat output of the generator greater than 100 kW .

    The list of interventions proposed in the decree is considered non-exhaustive and emphasizes the necessary in-depth knowledge of the building upstream of possible interventions involving the building-plant system.

    The Superbonus 110% requires an activity similar to that of energy audit for the preliminary phase of evaluating the admissible interventions and drafting the conventional EPC (Energy Performance Certificate) to be drawn up ANTE and POST intervention to certify the jump of the two energy classes.

    To identify the interventions actually useful to improve the energy performance of the building, it is necessary to carry out an inspection, collect the available documentation and then develop an energy model of the building-plant system (BEM - Building Energy Modeling), necessary for the subsequent definition of the energy efficiency.

    This type of energy audit can be drawn up by a professional qualified in the design of the building-plant system, therefore simply enrolled in a professional register.

How we work

Certimac's Energy Division has developed an accurate methodology for conducting energy audits in line with the most recent and rigorous national and international regulations and protocols. Our procedure includes 5 phases conceived in a modular and flexible way on the basis of the specific needs and goals of the client:
Analysis of energy flows and definition of reference consumption through different sources and tools including - when required - pre-intervention energy monitoring actions
Energy modeling of the building-installation system (BEM - Building Energy Modeling) based on the real measured demand aimed at analyzing the static and dynamic behavior of the entire system and necessary to identify the improvement interventions
Technical-economic evaluation of the efficiency measures with comparative analysis of the costs and benefits generated during the useful life of the improvement action assumed
Definition of financial schemes to support the implementation of interventions, taking into account the most suitable incentive tools among those available and any forms of subsidized financing
Implementation of a consumption monitoring system for the evaluation of energy savings achieved with Energy Efficiency Improvement Action. The post-intervention monitoring system is essential for the definition of EPC (Energy Performance Contract).

Servizi per l'efficienza energetica

Scarica la guida aggiornata sui servizi e le certificazioni di Certimac per la transizione energetica


Why choose Certimac

Our certified Energy Management Experts support companies and Public Administration in the path towards energy efficiency by defining in a clear, accurate and professional way the interventions for the reduction of energy consumption and the promotion of energy efficiency in production processes and buildings.

The energy audits that we perform are not only the fulfillment of a regulatory requirement, but are the first step to accompany companies towards greater awareness of consumption and efficient use of resources.

Energy Audit Report

Certimac's qualified Energy Management Experts issue the Energy Audit Report required by the legislation

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